Monday, May 23, 2005

The Merry Yarn

"And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover..."

A few weeks ago, I was looking for a snood that I had paid 7 bucks for for my daughter. She's only four, and has wispy, wispy hair that's still recovering from a disastrous haircut, courtesy of her brother. No problem, but she takes ballet, and for her upcoming recital, she needs to have her hair in a bun. She barely has enough to scrape back, so I bought this ridiculously overpriced piece of lace hand-stitched to a piece of elastic. Well, of course it immediately was lost, only to be found later in the dog's bed, or at least I think that's what I found in the dog's bed. It could have been just about anything.

Anyway, instead of buying another one, I got crafty, and went down to my local Michael's craft store, bought a roll of cotton thread (size 3) and a crochet hook. Checking the internet, I found several patterns, and I was off.

I haven't crocheted since my teen years. Oh, I fooled around with a knitting needle a couple of times (I was young, remember!), but basically, my yarn days were behind me. Or so I thought.

I made that bun cover/snood thing, then another. Then to use up the thread, I made a scrunchy. Then bought another roll of thread, and some yarn while I was at it, and I was off.


At 4:29 AM, Blogger Chatty said...

Which pattern did you use?

I'd like to see a picture, I bet she looked adorable.


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